ESDPOA Updates
January 21, 2024
The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for 10:00am on Sunday, January 21 via Teams. Members, please watch your email for the Teams link and meeting Agenda.
September 21, 2023
A Special Council Meeting was held with an agenda item addressing the Preliminary Report for the Burk Drainage Works (Presentation by RC Spencer Associates Inc.). ESDPOA President Terra Cadeau presented a deputation on behalf of the Board of Directors. See the full document here.
October 22, 2022
The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for 10:00am via Teams.
May 19, 2021
Property owners along Erie Shore Drive and members of the Erie Shore Drive Property Owners Association (ESDPOA) have initiated legal action against the municipality in the filing of an Application under section 79 of the Drainage Act. For our statement, please see the press release. No further comments will be made at this time.
January 24, 2021
Annual General Meeting, 10:00 am via Teams.
June 14, 2020
An ESDPOA Member meeting will be held Sunday, June 14 at 10am via MS Teams due to Ontario's restrictions on large organized in-person events. Members will receive an email with a meeting link and agenda prior to June 14. A phone-in number will also be available in the email for a tele-conference option.
May 4, 2020
A Council Meeting was held on this day with the following points of interest on the Agenda:
Presentation by Peter Zuzek re Chatham-Kent Lake Erie Shoreline Study
Agenda item 10a: report from Engineering and Infrastructure Services, "Actions from "Chatham-Kent Lake Erie Shoreline" Report
Deputation in response to Agenda item 10a Erie Shore Drive read into the record from the ESDPOA Board
You can watch the council meeting video.
April 7, 2020
At the April 6 Council Meeting, the reopening of Erie Shore Drive (17982-18410) was approved as per the following:
eastbound lane only
open to local traffic
residents and guests
20km/hour speed limit
security will end April 8 at 5:00p.m.
no through truck traffic (heavy vehicles are allowed provided they have business at these properties, i.e. contractors for breakwalls or homes)
As per communication from Chatham-Kent: "The original proposal was for the gates to be manually clipped shut and for residents to manage the opening and closing of the gate. A modification to this proposal was passed at Council giving direction that the residents are not required to “monitor or enforce” the opening and closing of the gate. As a result, the gate will be secured and remain open at all times."
You can access the Council agenda or watch the council meeting video.
If you have any questions, you can contact (519)360-1998.
April 5, 2020
The next council meeting is Monday, April 6 at 6pm.
There will be a report (14b on the agenda) presented to the Mayor and Members of Council from Infrastructure and Engineering Services regarding the re-opening of Erie Shore Drive (one-way, local traffic only).
Deputations can be made by way of written submission as per the following By-law:
3.10(h) -- Unless otherwise approved by the Chair, an Electronic Meeting shall not permit public deputations, except by way of written submission received in advance of the meeting, which shall be submitted to the Municipal Clerk’s office at prior to the start of the Electronic Meeting, and shall be provided to members in advance of the meeting if possible. The Clerk shall verbally read out the written deputation at the beginning of the meeting;
You can watch council meetings live or access archived meetings.
March 13, 2020
There is a "Special Information Meeting" being held this evening at 5pm in Chatham-Kent Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 315 King Street West, 2nd Floor, Chatham. The agenda includes an "Erie Shore Drive" update. You can watch it live on Facebook/Yourtvck or youtube. You can also view archived videos of council meetings.
March 9, 2020
The decision to close Erie Shore Drive was devastating for residents. The last few days have been particularly difficult as folks packed up their lives, their belongings, and said goodbye to neighbours and friends on the road. Whether seasonal or full-time residents, many have long family histories and deep connections to the area. It is difficult not knowing what the future will bring. When the dust settles a little bit, please consider telling us your story.
March 6, 2020
Information for residents is available on the Chatham-Kent Erie Shore Drive update page. If you have questions for the Erie Shore Drive Property Owners Association board of directors, please send questions via our contact us web form.
March 5, 2020
Adjustment of property taxes has been clarified by Chatham-Kent via email:
"The Council of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent has approved the adjustment of property taxes to be $0.00 for the period of March 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020 for each of the properties within the evacuation zone. The zone covers properties with civic addresses of 18416 Erie Shore Drive through to 17982 Erie Shore Drive."
March 4, 2020
The Golder Geotechnical Assessment is now available. The decision to close Erie Shore Drive was made based on content and evidence within this report.
March 3, 2020
A letter from legal counsel has been sent to Chatham-Kent and was presented to council during the Chatham-Kent council meeting on Monday, March 2, 2020, by Terra Cadeau, President of the ESDPOA. The Council Brief includes the approved recommendations for the closure of Erie Shore Drive.
March 2, 2020
Since the emergency council meeting on Friday, February 28, 2020 our members have met in a public meeting with the mayor, our councillors, and the Chief Administrative Officer for Chatham-Kent. The intent of the meeting was to present an alternative option to the news on Friday that Chatham-Kent will be closing Erie Shore Drive "indefinitely" with a berm of blocks due to dike instability. The other intention was to gauge interest in buy out options for property owners. Today, the report going to council for a vote notes that the closure is "permanent". Tonight, please consider attending the Chatham-Kent council meeting to voice your opinion. To get on the list to speak, please contact the city clerk’s office (519-360-1998) before 3pm Monday, March 2. We would also encourage you to contact your council members and urge them to vote against this proposal.
November 26, 2019
The third round of public consultation meetings for the Chatham-Kent Lake Erie Shoreline Study (Draft Adaptation Concepts and Management Options for a Resilient Chatham-Kent Lake Erie Shoreline) was held for community members on Tuesday, November 26 at the Links of Kent Golf Club Event Centre. The Study Team provided an update of activities and presented the draft adaptation concepts and management options for four regions of the shoreline, with one of those regions being Erie Shore Drive. An overview of the study can be found on Lets Talk Chatham-Kent.
September 14, 2019
A meeting was held for members of ESDPOA on Saturday, September 14, 2019 at the Fire Station in Erieau. The meeting room was at full capacity with 46 properties represented.
Terra Cadeau, ESDPOA President, gave an overview of past shoreline protection efforts, the current state on the road, and presented a path forward for a long term strategy. The Board has been working with John Kuntze, P.Eng., an Engineer from K.Smart Associates Limited who has worked inside the Drainage Act for over 40 years. John was in attendance to give a presentation on the options under the Drainage Act to enable property owners to move toward a shoreline protection work. John Kuntze shared his expertise of the Drainage Act and helped facilitate a discussion of the options under the Act to have a shoreline protection work completed that is comprehensive, engineered and able to be maintained.
The membership unanimously passed a motion to direct the ESDPOA Board to further explore a "Petition" as a viable option for advancing our mutual interest in a consistent approach to long term shoreline protection.
The presentation slides are available here.
August 16, 2019
Board Executive meeting with Chatham-Kent.
As a result of the concerns and questions stemming from the flooding over Erie Shore Drive in June 2019, the Board met with members of Chatham-Kent and Lower Thames Conservation Authority to share these collective concerns which arise when such events happen. Concerns about the Erie Shore Drive road closure, property drainage, and resident safety in emergency situations were addressed. An information package addressing these issues will be compiled and shared with our members.
Membership Drive
Over the summer the Membership Committee has been working to increase membership. As of August 2019 54 properties are represented.
May 18, 2019
The ESDPOA inaugural Annual General Meeting. Membership was at 30 properties.