About Us
The Erie Shore Property Owner’s Association (ESDPOA) was reestablished (previously the Harwich Erie Shore Homeowners Committee) in the summer of 2017 in an effort to mobilize residents and cottage owners for the primary purpose of seeking government support for shoreline protection. A meeting was held in November 2017 during which a vision for the group was proposed and supported by those in attendance which stated: To form a united group of residents on Erie Shore Drive, who will work together for the betterment of our community.
During 2018 to May 2019 various members worked specifically on the issue of shoreline protection and realized that to advocate for a successful long term strategy, members would need to formalize the association to ensure property owners had a meaningful and collective voice. The ESDPOA is now incorporated and held our inaugural Annual General Meeting in May 2019 where the Constitution/By-Laws were passed.
The Association's purpose shall be:
a) To promote and foster a sense of community, friendship and mutual respect amongst the property owners of Erie Shore Drive and adjacent areas;
b) To provide a focal point for addressing issues that may arise concerning the property owners of Erie Shore Drive including but not limited to shoreline and dyke protection;
c) To provide a forum for the exchange of information, concerns and communication between the members of Erie Shore Drive Property Owners Association;
d) To communicate with government, the media and general public concerning issues of interest to the members.
The current Board of Directors is as follows:
President: Terra Cadeau
Vice President: Murray Spencer
Past President: Jeff Knipfel
Treasurer: Margaret Davis
Secretary: Gail Spencer
Director: Jim Allin